什么是 WebGL?什么是 Three.js?请解释three.js中的WebGL和Canvas的区别?
WebGL(全写Web Graphics Library)是一种3D绘图协议,这种绘图技术标准允许把JavaScript和OpenGL ES 2.0结合在一起,通过增加OpenGL ES 2.0的一个…
const scene viewer.scene;let tileset;
let targetY 400.0;
let planeEntities [];
let selectedPlane; // 选择的切面
let clippingPlanes; // 切面属性// 当鼠标点击切面时,修改相关属性
const downHandler new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(viewer.sce…
作者:taco 在项目中通常会出现,高亮对象。给对象设置颜色的一些问题。那么针对颜色设置在超图的 iClient3D for WebGl/WebGPU 中又提供了哪些方式呢?本篇文章将介绍一些颜色的设置方法。以及一些颜色的参数设置。 在iClient3D for WebGl/WebG…
NNTR:无需回应 (NNTR: No Need To Respond) NNTR is an abbreviation of "No Need To Respond". NNTR是“无需响应”的缩写。 It is an expression, which is commonly used in the Gmail platform. It is written in the body or the subject of the em…
dev装满了Finally! The wait is over! After people have already managed to read the book, the chef doeuvre that is my Object-Oriented Javascript and some have published 5 star reviews on Amazon, the author finally gets his copies. Oh, happy day! 15 copies, y…
foreach循环phpThe break is a keyword that is used to stop the execution of a process after a certain number or after meeting up with particular criteria and transfers the control of the program execution to the next statement written just after the loop bo…
UWA 问答社区:answer.uwa4d.com
UWA QQ群:465082844(仅限技术交流) We…
Encoding gb2312Encoding Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312");上面的代码在Unity编辑器运行正常,但是导出到PC端运行就会出现Encoding 936 data could not be found问题,把I18N.CJK.dll和I18N.dll拷贝到工程里可以解决这个问题。 但是ÿ…
Traduo do artigo original escrito por Yeray Diaz para o hackernoon: AsyncIO for the working Python developer 由Yaray Diaz para o hackernoon撰写的原始文章:适用于Python开发人员的AsyncIO Eu me lembro do exato momento em que eu pensei, “Uau, isso e…
altair 8800由Dan Saber | 2017年4月19日 (by Dan Saber | April 19, 2017)This post originally appeared on Dan Saber’s blog. We thought it was hilarious, so we asked him if we could repost it. He generously agreed! 该帖子最初出现在Dan Saber的博客上。 我们认为…
div 自定义画布Warning: dont do this. Stop it! Just. Dont. 警告:请勿这样做。 停下来! 只是。 别。 So theres this hack by Ben Foxall that shows how you can escape the browser window and draw outside the page. I had to try it myself. So …
前言假如有一个很长的字符串 A(主串) 和一个短的字符串 B(模式串),如果想知道字符串 B 是否存在于字符串 A 中,我们会怎么做呢?BF 算法首先,我们想到的最简单的办法肯定是࿰…
矩阵卷积的卷积核In the previous post I talked about manipulating and changing pixels in an image (using JavaScript and canvas) one at a time. We took a single pixel and messed around with its R, G, B or A values. 在上一篇文章中,我谈到了一次处理和…
js 画布翻转Today our family went to the yearly photo session with the girls. We took one shot that can be looked normally, as well as upside down, so I was wondering can you flip an image using a canvas tag. Turns out, yes, you can and its pretty easy. 今…
nrr评分预测NRR:不要求答复/不需要答复 (NRR: No Reply Requested / No Reply Required) NRR is an abbreviation of "No Reply Requested" or "No Reply Required". NRR是“不请求任何回复”或“不需要任何回复”的缩写。 It is an expressi…
js学习 为什么分类到opengl?前言js的基础语法1.Variables(变量):2.Data Types(数据类型):3.Arrays:4.Objects:5.Operators:6.Control Structures:7.Functions:8.Events(事件):9. Comments(注释): 思考:difference of var and let1.Scope(范围):2.Hoisting(变量提升):3.Re-decl…
Here are some reviews of the places I visited during my Maui trip, (the markup is in hReview microformat, using the hReview creator) 这是我在毛伊岛旅行期间访问过的地方的一些评论(标记使用hReview微格式,使用hReview创建器) 从火山顶部的壮丽景色 (Brea…
All basketball teams have a camera system called SportVU installed in their arenas. These camera systems track players and the ball throughout a basketball game. 所有篮球队在赛场上都安装了名为SportVU的摄像头系统。 这些摄像机系统在整个篮球比赛中跟踪球员和球…
python嵌套Baldric had been a town guard for years, breaking up fights and catching thieves and helping the elderly cross the street. When the Empire arose and moved him to HR, he dragged prisoners to staff meetings and hauled corpses away without thinking …
什么是Three.js? WebGL(Web Graphics Library)是一种3D绘图协议,这种绘图技术标准允许把JavaScript和OpenGL ES 2.0结合在一起,通过增加OpenGL ES 2.0的一个JavaScript绑定,WebGL可以为HTML5 Canvas提供硬件…
Creating the secne
var scene new THREE.Scene();
var camera new THREE.…
webaudioThis journey started here, then continued, then took a slight turn, just for giggles, and now were back. 这段旅程从这里开始,然后继续,然后稍微转了一下,只是为了咯咯笑,现在我们回来了。 After you learned how …
做前端轻松还是做后端轻松When you write something: a book, an article, an email... cut out needless words. The copy after editing should be shorter. Writing is not speaking, it must be tighter. (And, if you find an email is getting longer, just phone the pe…
目录 Three.js简介创建vue项目引入Three.js实际操作环节文件目录创建初始化场景、相机 Three.js简介
Three.js 是一款基于 WebGL的 JavaScript 3D 库,它封装了 WebGL API,为开发者提供了简单易用的 API 来在 Web 浏览器中展示 3D 图形。Three.js 提供了…
let earthGeo new THREE.SphereGeometry(10, 64, 64)
let earthMat new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({map: albed…
python-pcl函数Running through the door, Baldric found himself in an enormous cavern, its ceiling lost in shadow. Great columns of black stone soared from the ground, and pools of lava bubbled throughout, lighting the cavern in a dark red. The heat was suff…
微原循环移位指令As we know that any machine (system) works on machine language, which consists of binary numbers. In the 8086 microprocessor, we have 16-bit registers to handle our data. Sometimes, the need to perform some necessary shift and rotate operat…
体渲染(Volume Rendering)是NeRF神经场辐射AI模型的基础,与传统渲染使用三角形来显示 3D 图形不同,体渲染使用其他方法,例如体积光线投射 (Volume Ray Casting)。本文介绍体渲染的原理并提供Three.js实现代码ÿ…
webaudioYouve heard of WebAudio, but have you done any experimenting with it? This is a series of posts on exploring and discovering various APIs that WebAudio has to offer, by doing something concrete, namely recreate the THX Deep Note sound. 您听说过Web…
var scene new THREE.Scene();
var camera new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, …
widget常设属性I find it very easy to forget the world we live in. I grew up in North Atlanta, near the Chattahoochee, and spent a huge portion of it riding bikes to the river, going to some park on the river, or otherwise being around it. I’ve lived into…
安装three.js npm install --save three引入three.js
import * as THREE from threethree.js结构 three.js坐标 创建一个场景 scene场景,camera相机,renderer渲染器 创建一个场景
this.scene new T…
什么是天空盒 An skybox is a box with textures on it to look like the sky in all directions or rather to look like what is very far away including the horizon.天空盒是一个使用纹理贴图构建的盒子,人在其中朝任何一个方向看去,其纹理彷佛天空…
cd /home 进入 ‘/ home’ 目录’
cd … 返回上一级目录
cd …/… 返回上两级目录
cd 进入个人的主目录
cd ~user1 进入个人的主目录
cd - 返回上次所在的目录
pwd 显示工作路径
ls 查看目录中的文件
ls -F 查看目录中的文件
ls -l 显示文…
注意: let canvas document.getElementById(webgl) canvas.width window.innerWidth canvas.height window.innerHeight let radio window.innerWidth/window.innerHeight; let ctx canvas.getContext(webgl) 由于屏幕长宽像素不一样,导致了长宽像素…
在webgl下要使用这样的路径拼接,不然就会报错。 btnBook.onClick.AddListener(() >{var uri new System.Uri(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath "/Books", "文档.pdf"));Debug.Log…